Leela had a great yearly check-up at the first of the year & has been doing fine up until last Wednesday. Last Wednesday, she started vomiting. She vomited a total of 5 times. Each time is was clear with a hint of yellow. I figured it was her allergies.
She has terrible Spring allergies. She usually vomits once during the allergy season when she has really bad drainage.
She seemed a little lethargic, but we figured she just had really bad allergies. Her nose would go from runny to dry to runny.
Fast Forward to Monday. We come home to an accident on the rug. This is unusual & has only happened once before when she had colitis. I'm slightly concerned. T not so much.
Tuesday her stomach is making really loud sounds and she has needed to go out every couple hours like she has colitis. I'm trying to figure out what could have possible set her little system off this time. I got nothing. She is extremely lethargic & can barely stand. I decide to see if she wants to go for her walk. I wanted to see if she'll pep up a little. We get around the corner & bam! (WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS TO FOLLOW) Explosive rust colored liquid shoots from her rear end. Twice. We try to get her back home & more! Okay, vet time.
We take her to the Vet & I'm waiting for the usual, "Oh, you cute over-protective dog owners" smile from the vet. Not this time. They are concerned. So concerned that they are drawing blood, sticking her with needles, poking & prodding & trying to get a diagnosis.
Then they want to keep her overnight. OMG. WHAT?! I haven't been apart from my dog EVER! Except when we went to LA in February, but even then she stayed with her Grandma & Grampa & Uncle Jack. She LOVES Uncle Jack.
I can't LEAVE her with strangers. However, the vet's explanation of what "could" happen convinced me to leave her. So I did. We did. Then I cried all the way home & then in the house & then outside on the back patio.
It was a no cuddles night. No meany face. No one brought me a ball or a fox or a mouse or begged for a cookie.
So today we are still waiting. The vet can't get a stool sample. She hasn't eaten since Monday at 6 pm. They tried to feed her, but she wouldn't eat. I am worried sick. Plus, I just want my dog back. I'm out $600 plus dollars & no closer to figuring out what's wrong with her.
The Doc thinks a poo sample will clear things up. So pray for poo or whatever you do. Positive think for poo? I just hope she poos so I can have my dog back. I miss her.
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